Last Update: 26 September 2020 | 3 min read | Author: Xander Billa
In this section we'll talk about static route. As we know there are two types of routing Static Route and Dynamic Route. Here we'll talk about Static. Static route is a route we implement manually on a router and redirect the path based on the next hop. So that router choose its best route based on those implementations.
- User defined routes are used in routing table.
- No complex algorithm used to figure out shortest path.
- Provides higher security.
- It's a manual Process.
- It is used in smaller networks.
- Does not follow any specific protocol.
- It does not require any additional resources like CPU, RAM etc.
- No Dynamic failover.
- Gateway and destination porefix required.
- Preferred over dynamic routing protoocl because of lower Administrative Distance that is 1
Configuration & Verification
Implimentation of Static Routes
Router(config)#ip route [Destination-Network] [Destination-Subnetmask] [Next-Hop-IPAddress]
Router(config)#ip route [Destination-Network] [Destination-Subnetmask] [Outgoing-Interface]
Note: Interface ID would not work on multi-access links/non P2P link beacuse p2p link have one device and address to connect. While multicast have multiple devices. So, if we configure the interface will get lot of ARP in topology.
Router(config)#show ip route
Router(config)#show ip route static
Router(config)#show running-config | include ip route
Router(config)#show ip protocol
Router(config)#show ip route [Prefix][Subnet-Mask]
Floating Static Route
- Can be configured as a backup route.
- AD can be increased to make a route backup.
- Provide redudancy between two Statically defined routes.
Implementation of Floating Static Routes
Router(config)#ip route [Destination-Network] [Destination-Subnetmask] [Next-Hop-IPAddress] [AD Value]
Note: AD Value must be higher than the running routing protocol. Example if EIGRP is running than AD = 91 like this.
Default Static Route
- Eliminate requirement of destination Prefix & Mask.
- Usually configured for Internet specific running with ISP.
- Can cause routing loop if not configured properly.
Implementation of Default Static Routes
Router(config)#ip route [Next-Hop-IPAddress]
Router(config)#ip route [outgoing-Interface]
Implementation of Default Static Routes
Router#debug ip routing
Router#debug ip packets
IPv6 Static Route
Implementation of Default Static Routes
Router(config)#ipv6 address [address]/[prefix-length] [Next-Hop-IP Address]
Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
- Permits router to send ICMPv6 Router Advertisment.
- Allows IPv6 routing between connected interface.
- Allows operation of IPv6 routing protocols.
Video Example
Hope you find this useful.